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What is Virtual Home Staging?

When it comes to marketing and selling homes, staging can make all of the difference.  First, Homes that are professionally staged always photograph better because the Photographer will be able to freely compose each image in the best light instead of having make adjustments to avoid clutter.  Second, it can boost buyer desire for the home, resulting in a potentially higher closing price.  Finally, a commitment to staging can prevent procrastination when it comes to de-cluttering making showings more productive.

Recently some agents are turning towards virtual staging, which is defined as the use of computer imaging technology to create realistic listing photos which display a stage home even though the property is not actually staged.  Photos of empty rooms are transformed during processing and the results are more realistic than ever.

Here are some samples from a recent project of ours: 


Less expensive than actual staging

Less work than actual staging


Sometimes characterized as deceptive

Buyers could be disappointed when they visit in person.

Oftentimes decisions like this come down to one’s primary objective and selling style.  If your primary motivation is to generate interest on the home online, then Virtual Staging will provide dramatic photographs to drive more leads and get more attention in that space.  If you want buyer to truly experience a home’s potential when they visit your open house or walk through with their agent, you would be better served by traditional home staging.

In any case, it’s smart to consider this investment in your listing inventory a helpful tool to help buyers visualize the space, sell the home more quickly and brand yourself as an agent that goes the extra mile when you are at your next listing presentation appointment.